Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Mutant's Story

The Wheleigeran is an uncommon mutant. It is a cross between a whale, a tiger, an elephant, and a human. The Wheleigeran is normally found on beaches and is a land and sea mutant, so the Wheleigeran can breathe both air and water. The back of the Wheleigeran is the whale part. The midsection is the tiger and the head is an elephant, a human and some tiger. While we do not know of its origins we do know how it survives. We also however do not know of its gender or if it is the last of its kind. We do know that it is an omnivore. It has a diet of mostly fish and any vegetation in its area. Even though it has some of a human head we cannot say that it can talk. Studies are being held as we speak to try and see if it has the ability to speak our language. If the Wheleigeran can speak then we may be able to locate more and do more studies on the Wheleigeran and possibly find out its origins.

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