Tuesday, February 16, 2010

NASA Exploration

The BLIINK contest is a contest that students from web mastering classes in Texas will compete to try and create the best website for a page in NASA.

Each winning team member for Mission 1 and 2 receives a Zune® HD 16 GB Video MP3 Player personal media player (Estimated Retail Value $219.99) and $250 cash**. The NASA-Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, will host the winning teams to honor their accomplishments and contributions.

The client is NASA for my teams website, NASA is also the audience and customer for the webpage.


1) Why would anyone be interested in viewing the Web site that your team is developing?
A) Because it will be interesting.

2) Who are the possible customers for the site?
A) The NASA people choosing the websites.

3) How many pages are going to be necessary to complete the Web site your client wants?
A) At least five minimum of four.

4) Based on the number of pages, what sort of navigational structure would work well for the site?
A) A navigation bar in the top below the header going horizantaly.

5) How can this design be shown using a site map and storyboard?
A) I do not know what those two things are.


-Mission that you are working on:
Mission 2: The International Space Station needs you! There’s a career for every interest, talent, and passion on the ISS.

-Header for the Homepage of your NASA website
Mission 2: The ISS

-Header for each additional page of the website
Mission 2: The ISS

-Title for each page: Mission 2: The ISS

filename (include file ending): index.html

-Title for each page: Mission 2: The ISS

filename (include file ending): careers.html

-Title for each page: Mission 2: The ISS

The filename (include file ending): professionals.html

-Title for each page: Mission 2: The ISS

filename (include file ending): preparing.html

-Title for each page: Mission 2: The ISS

filename (include file ending): credits.html


A dynamic web template is:



A) What is the file ending? .dwt

B) Are you using a banner? Yes

C) Navigation? Yes

D) Content? Almost done

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